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Nov. 22, 2023

33. Luke Part 2:  Healing on the Sabbath, The Last Supper, and Kim reads the part where the Disciples argue over who’s the greatest

33. Luke Part 2:  Healing on the Sabbath, The Last Supper, and Kim reads the part where the Disciples argue over who’s the greatest

In today’s episode, Kim and Barb talk about the ministry of Jesus and the betrayal of Judas.

In today’s episode, Kim and Barb talk about the ministry of Jesus and the betrayal of Judas.   


Bible Heroes, Villains, and the In-betweens

  • Jesus
  • Peter
  • Judas
  • Scribes and Pharisees
  • Chief Priests



  • Jesus’ practice of teaching and healing in Synagogues on the Sabbath
  • The significance of the rituals of Passover
  • Crowds recognizing Jesus as the promised Messiah
  • Jesus cleansing the Temple of money changers and sellers of sacrificial animals
  • Judas betrays Jesus
  • The Crucifixion


Closing Scripture: Isaiah 53





Coming Up Next on the Podcast…John


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New to the Bible?

Here’s the format:  Book Chapter : Verses

Example: Genesis 2:1-17 would be the book of Genesis, chapter 2, verses 1 through 17 Example: Genesis 29:30-30:24 would be the book of Genesis, chapter 29, verse 31 through chapter 30, verse 24.