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Old Testament with My Mom


June 7, 2023

Why read the Bible?

Why does God want you to read the Bible? Did Moses really write the first five books of the Bible? Why do YOU read the Bible? Join this mom and daughter's casual conversation on the Old Testament.

Listen to the Episode
June 7, 2023

1. Genesis: creation, rebellion, and Kim learns the word YOM

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, host their first podcast! They discuss creation, the rebellion of man against the authority of God, and fresh starts.

Listen to the Episode
June 7, 2023

2. Genesis Part 2: Abraham, new beginnings, and Kim learns she's not …

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about Abraham. Kim admits while Abraham is one of her favorite Bible people, she’s not the biggest fan of his grandson, Jacob.

Listen to the Episode
June 13, 2023

3. Exodus: the plagues, the great escape, and Kim learns about the cl…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about how God used Moses to deliver the Israelites from bondage.

Listen to the Episode
June 18, 2023

4. Exodus Part II: 10 commandments, burnt offerings, and Kim’s childh…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about how God established his covenant with the Israelites with the 10 commandments.

Listen to the Episode
June 21, 2023

5. Leviticus: sacrifices, scapegoats, and Kim learns that Thomas Jeff…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about animal sacrifices, scapegoats, and the feasts of ancient Israel.

Listen to the Episode
June 25, 2023

6. Numbers: spies, giants, and Kim learns how Balaam tricks the Israe…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about the Israelites’ 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.

Listen to the Episode
June 28, 2023

7. Deuteronomy: speeches, more speeches, and Kim learns the word SHEMA

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about Moses and his speeches to the next generation of Israelites.

Listen to the Episode
July 2, 2023

8. Joshua: walls of Jericho, ladies of the night, and Kim learns of h…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about the boldness and obedience of Joshua and how the Israelites finally enter the promised land of Canaan.

Listen to the Episode
July 5, 2023

9. Judges: chaos, confusion, and Kim discovers much more about Samson…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about the problems the Canaanite culture brought to the Israelites—and the leaders brought up to bring change.

Listen to the Episode
July 9, 2023

10. Ruth: boldness instead of bitterness, and Kim learns about gleani…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about the bold choices of Ruth as she follows her mother-in-law into a foreign land.

Listen to the Episode
July 12, 2023

11. I Samuel: David conquers a giant and runs from a king, and Kim le…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about Israel’s rejection of God as king.

Listen to the Episode
July 16, 2023

12. 2 Samuel: David’s rise and fall, and Kim learns the role a water …

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about David becoming king and his many conquests.

Listen to the Episode
July 19, 2023

13. I Kings: Solomon's wisdom and wives, and Kim learns that Ahab was…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about the impact that Solomon’s many wives and sons had on God’s people.

Listen to the Episode
July 23, 2023

14. 2 Kings: Kings of Judah, Kings of Israel, and Kim learns Elisha w…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about the Northern kingdom of Israel and the Southern kingdom of Judah and the role the prophets Elijah and Elisha played during that dark period.

Listen to the Episode
July 26, 2023

15. 1 Chronicles: begats, recaps, and Kim wonders why David refused t…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about the retelling of King David’s positive attributes and accomplishments.

Listen to the Episode
July 30, 2023

16. 2 Chronicles: Jezebel’s daughter, a “chip off the old block”, and…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about the retelling of the many kings of Judah, including Solomon, and the destruction of the temple.

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 2, 2023

17. Ezra & Nehemiah: the return, the rebuild, and Kim sees the writin…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about the Israelites returning to Jerusalem and rebuilding the Temple.

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 9, 2023

18. Esther: from orphan to queen; Kim admires Esther’s choice making …

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about strong and courageous Esther, and how she saved a group of Jewish people from a terrible fate.

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 16, 2023

19. Job: remaining faithful to God regardless of circumstance, and Ki…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, discuss if God is in control - why do good people suffer?

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 23, 2023

20. Psalm: poetry, music, and Kim learns Moses wrote a Psalm

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about the power of music and the power of praise.

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 30, 2023

21. Proverbs: Kim and Barb share their favorite Proverbs and discuss …

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, share their favorite Proverbs and discuss the 7 things God hates.

Listen to the Episode
Sept. 6, 2023

22. Ecclesiastes: Life is Meaningless. Wait! What?!

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, discuss the meaning of life and they are joined by more family - Syndee, Mike, and Jeff.

Listen to the Episode
Sept. 13, 2023

23. Song of Solomon: A Love Poem, and Kim learns that her mom would n…

In today’s episode, Kim and her mom, Barb, talk about the poem’s description of love in all its spontaneity, beauty, power, intimacy, anguish, tension, and contentment.

Listen to the Episode